The parents were driving to the nature of vandalism among youth. For example, while driving their parents take out the trash or the fruit - citrus fruits like rambutan, and in addition to ignoring the speed limit signs. Some teens are trapped in the symptoms of vandalism came from troubled family or families who practice the culture is negative. According to a study conducted by the youth vandalism grudge who want an independent and set in a troubled family. Besides the lack of proper control and guidance from parents are also among the main factors encouraging teenagers trapped in these negative symptom.
Peer influence can lead to vandalism. Young people are more easily affected by imitating their peers. Peer influence is shaping the attitudes, values and behaviors teenagers, especially teenage drop outs and family problems. Typically, young adults teenagers vandalize a group, they do not have goals and ideas emerge when assembled, including scribbling and damaging public property.
The parents were driving to the nature of vandalism among youth. For example, while driving their parents take out the trash or the fruit - citrus fruits like rambutan, and in addition to ignoring the speed limit signs. Some teens are trapped in the symptoms of vandalism came from troubled family or families who practice the culture is negative. According to a study conducted by the youth vandalism grudge who want an independent and set in a troubled family. Besides the lack of proper control and guidance from parents are also among the main factors encouraging teenagers trapped in these negative symptom.
Teenagers are the product of a community system. People who do not will eventually produce a not good. Some people are conscious about the matter and did not take care about social issues already complicating the existing problems. According to the study of many problems of vandalism occurred in the city. Adolescents scribbling and damaging public property but not uneducated generation born in the city are difficult to control. In urban areas some people do not care for what is happening around them. Therefore, young people feel that they are free to continue ignoring this negative sense of responsibility to public property.
by : Suhaida Saharuddin